Amariah is a senior at Howard University (HU), where she is majoring in Political Science with a minor in Legal Communications. She is a Fall 2023 initiate of the Howard University Pre-Law Chapter of Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International, a member of Revolt Incorporated (a community service organization), a mentor with the HU Youth Justice Advocates, and a recipient of the Lola Pardlow Memorial Scholarship and HU Founders Scholarship. Amariah previously interned with the Natural Disaster Team in the Office of Program Performance at Legal Services Corporation where she gained valuable experience and knowledge in analyzing program outcomes, creating performance metrics, and editing reports to support organizational decision-making. After graduation in Spring 2025, Amariah plans to pursue a career that blends various aspects of policy, legislative, and legal professions. Her passion for women’s health and active involvement in community service, outreach, and mentoring programs combined with her research and analytical skills, plus insights into data-driven strategic initiatives make Amariah an asset to the G2G team.

Bachelor of Arts (Anticipated)
Howard University