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See the 2023 Shauna M. Sorrells Grant Program winner!

Proven Results

G2G has worked to secure millions of dollars for our clients, led advocacy campaigns, written policy proposals and position statements, organized Capitol Hill Fly-Ins and Statehouse Days to meet with public officials and staff, and planned media events. Below are a few case studies demonstrating the breadth and depth of our work and how we turn challenges into opportunities for our clients.

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  • Ohio Case Studies
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Summary of the Government Biotechnology Innovation Summit

On September 27-28, G2G attended the Inaugural Government Biotechnology Innovation Summit in National Harbor, MD. The forum was centered on highlighting the ongoing whole of government approach towards bolstering the bioeconomy, biosecurity and national security, and opportunities for industry to engage with the government to meet these goals.


Rapid Vaccine Development Technology

Goal: Secure funds for rapid vaccine development technology


Obtaining Cleveland Funding

Goal: Establish a public private partnership and secure funding to build proven technology for drone tracking and management in Ohio


Organizing Advocacy Campaigns

Goal: Build relationships for and raise the profile of a new statewide nonprofit for healthy food access in order access state funding to expand programming

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Managing a National Association and Passing Legislation

Goal: Establish Washington, D.C. presence and influence for national coalition with members in 36 states.

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Raising Awareness and Changing Policy for National Nonprofit

Goal: Educate on the national organization, how common rare cancers are, the gaps in current therapeutic options and R&D system for rare cancer patients, and the need for policy changes.