Hailing from New Jersey, Aditya works out of G2G’s Washington D.C. office and works with a range of clients but focuses on biosciences R&D and health policy. His work with life science clients includes translating complex medical terms into targeted communications with Congress and federal agencies, leading lobbying efforts to access funding and shape policy, and managing the monthly GBG Reporting Service webinars. Previously, Aditya worked at the Scienomics Group, where he focused on developing medical education content for bioscience clients. Prior to this position, while in graduate school at Case, Aditya conducted research as a member of the Bio-Inspired Engineering for Advanced Therapies Lab and developed technologies to mitigate uncontrolled bleeding. As a graduate student, he was an active leader in both the Society for Biomaterials chapter and the Graduate Student Council Professional Development Committee at Case. With his strong scientific background, Aditya brings valuable insights to connecting government policy with the scientific community and translational R&D efforts.

Doctor of Philosophy, Biomedical Engineering
Case Western Reserve University
Bachelor of Science, Biomedical Engineering
Columbia University
Biosciences, Health, and Grants