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Applications are Open for the 5th Annual Shauna M. Sorrells Grant Program

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February 14

Ohio Budget Process

Kim Murnieks, Director of the Office of Budget and Management for Governor Mike DeWine to share insights on this year's budget process and answer your questions. She will be joined by experts from the G2G team, who will share insights on how best to navigate the process and access Capital Budget dollars for local projects.

February 14, 2022 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm EST

Kim Murnieks, Director of the Office of Budget and Management for Governor Mike DeWine to share insights on this year’s budget process and answer your questions. She will be joined by Will Tartar of the Center for Community Solutions, and experts from the G2G team, who will share insights on how best to navigate the process and access Capital Budget dollars for local projects.

Feb 14, 2022

2:00 pm EST


Virtual Webinar

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