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December 30, 2024

Ohio Legislative Update

Last Updated: December 30, 2024


The 135th Ohio General Assembly wrapped up after a marathon session on December 19.

HB315 served as the “Christmas tree” bill and was loaded with amendments. Some of note include:

  • Requiring a real estate broker or salesperson to provide the seller of residential real estate a disclosure relating to anti-discrimination laws in the home-buying process
  • Requiring health coverage of hearing aids and related services
  • Prohibiting a health benefit plan from imposing cost sharing for occupational therapy, physical therapy, or chiropractic services that is greater than the cost of sharing for an office visit to a primary care physician or osteopath physician
  • Restoring a provision to provide funds to the Department of Development for grants to townships seeking to modernize regulations and processes tied to zoning efforts.
  • Authorizing an institution of higher education (a state institution of higher education or a private college) to compensate a student-athlete for use of the student's name, image, or likeness (NIL). Specifies that a student-athlete is not an employee because the institution compensates the student-athlete for use of the student-athlete's NIL.
Infant Health — HB 7, the Enact Strong Foundations Act sponsored by Andrea White (R-Kettering) and Latyna Humphrey (D-Columbus) includes initiatives to improve early learning, expand access to home visiting services, support infant and early childhood mental health, and implement better coordination of state resources for families. It passed the legislature and was sent to Governor DeWine, but with all funding removed. There is still much work to be done in this space but we are excited about the progress as G2G was advocating for this legislation.
Drones — HB 77, sponsored by Rep. Bernie Wilis (R-Springfield), heads to Governor DeWine for signature. This legislation prohibits a person from operating a drone — also known as an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) — in a manner that knowingly endangers any person or property, disrupts operations of emergency services, or photographs, records or loiters near a “critical facility” with the purpose of causing harm. This legislation is critical as we prepare Ohio to be drone-friendly, which is key to economic development and job growth. G2G is actively engaged in bringing together the communities impacted by and benefiting from drones to advocate for policies to benefit municipalities, public safety, law enforcement, businesses and public health, among others, to ensure we are maximizing this economic opportunity for the state with coordination and technology.
Budget — G2G has attended several post-election events with legislators and committee hearings. We met and spoke with incoming members and new leadership for the next General Assembly about their priorities for next year and are gearing up for the budget process. The first six months of 2025 will be primarily focused on the FY26-27 State Operating Budget where nonprofits, cities and townships, and public universities can obtain funding for programming and operating. If you are interested in pursuing a State Operating Budget Request, please let us know!


The 136th General Assembly will convene for the new 2-year session on Monday, January 6 and G2G will be there to attend the swearing-in events. The first sessions on the calendar are if-needed sessions on Wednesday, January 22. The Executive Budget will be introduced on Monday, February 3 — kick-starting the budget process. We look forward to working with you all in Ohio!